Why is hearty Patel patidar popular in youth?
Why is hearty Patel patidar popular in youth?
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Gujarat government, who have come to be known as the agent of the Congress, and the BJP as the agent of the Congress, from Patidar reservation movement, Haridik Patel of Viramgam ultimately joined the Congress.
They have been accused that they used to use the impression of the Patidars' emotions to make their political career.
When he was 25 years old and who reached the age of contesting elections, when asked about the allegation of being Congress agent and joining the Opposition, he said:
"Today, there is a social and political environment in India that people are not ready to see things like that. Not even once."
"Every social movement is seen with suspicion. Our media and politicians are trying to find a hidden purpose behind every movement. They just have to find some hidden things.
"Then what is the result? Everyone has to know who is close to whom, whom do they share or break relationships with whom? Will they win in power or election grounds?
"It was the same environment, when we got our first Virat Sabha on August 25, 2015, demanding reservation in the OBC category for government jobs and education sector."
"Instead of finding the true reasons behind the massive success of the meeting, almost everyone was discussing who was cooperating on the huge rally of the Patidars on the huge GMDC ground in Ahmedabad? More than 15 lakh people came there and I know they came there themselves."
"How can a 22-year-old boy who rarely know outside North Gujarat get together so many people? Where did he get the money?"
"It is not possible to attend such a big gathering without anybody's backing. Anybody behind this is someone who is getting political advantage from this, but who and how?"
"We are working on the issues of the land and the youth want us to do something. I was also one of those people. We were concerned about our future."
"People came here automatically, not because of anybody's backing. Trust me. I have repeatedly said one thing at many of my meetings that are not affiliated with any political party, that I will do my best to get the BJP out of power."
The picture of the BBC was sitting on the heels of the heart
"Patidars have been with the BJP for many decades, but our generation, which has not seen any other party's rule in Gujarat since last 25 years, is disappointed with the BJP."
"There are direct political parties in the state when there are two major political laws, of which there is only one ruling party. In this case, it is BJP, that is, in reality, people should demand the same for the BJP and the BJP has the expectation of the Patidars."
"The fight was against the BJP, inevitably, in the elections of the local self-government in December-December 2012 and then in the assembly elections of December-December, the Congress had benefited from it, but that is just the thing."
"Who has managed to get rid of this and who has got the benefit? Everyone talks and proceeds about this and charges allegations."
"But unfortunately no one sees the whole picture. Let's understand this."
"Suppose that even if our movement is with the Congress, what happened? The issue is that a movement has emerged, it has progressed, it has revolutionized the society and has a strong political influence."
"Not only in Gujarat, it has echoed in one or the other way across the country. The BJP lost or won in December -2017 is not the issue. The issue is that a movement was born, it got people's support and it lasted."
"The BJP won by a thin margin as nobody has thought in Gujarat, and Narendra Modi also got perspiration. We have created a strong bridge of relationship with Patidar youth, which can not be created by any amount of money or political power."
Modi's opposition
Hardy Patel says true. This was a man who suddenly appeared from somewhere and he challenged the politics and policies of Narendra Modi and raised questions against him, and also in Gujarat.
More often than not, Narendra Modi's meetings are more crowded than listen to him enthusiastically.
This enthusiasm was not limited to the Patidars only. Every Nation-caste youth comes to his meeting. Someone did not think so.
There is nothing unusual in the heart of Indira Gandhi's personality. But many youths could easily attach themselves to the questions they raised.
Patidars were probably in search of someone who came up with new ideas and innovative energy, and perhaps Hardik Patel could create this feeling in them.
Patidars, especially the youth, believed in him. Perhaps he was in search of someone who questioned the 'Politics of votebank' which has been running for decades from the BJP and can bring a real change by bringing together the society.
It was argued that Patel ministers were in large numbers in the government and it did not get any support from the Patidars.
They did not think there was any reduction in the questions of the Patidars with the maximum number of ministers. They were fighting against this fact.
This sentiment has fueled the sentiments of the people. Because he was not an outsider, he himself became a victim of this situation.
His sister was a bright girl, but due to one of the other reserved category students, she had to lose admission.
Hard-Tech, a secondary-grade graduate, says there is no problem with the people who are currently receiving the reservation.
Social and economic way of them for centuries
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