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Bapu, if he speaks ... Who was the guru of Gandhiji?

Bapu, if he speaks ... Who was the guru of Gandhiji?


Who was responsible for creating Gandhiji, who was a very self-righteous and ordinary living child in his childhood? Such a question is natural.

Even though Gandhiji wrote about this process of 'experiments in truth', people are not satisfied with it.

Thus, the feeling of Gandhiji's feeling is promoted and interpreted by one's own faith or faith, sometimes Shastarda Rajchandra to Tolstoy, sometimes in Ruskin, sometimes Thoreau, and sometimes all these are declared as the guru of Gandhiji.

Over the past few years, being a popular medium and specific religious attitude like drama, it has also been okay to establish Shrimad Rajchandra as Gandhi's guru.

What is the fact of Gandhiji's 'guru'?
Gandhiji received guidance from Rajyapura like Dwai Rambha and Shrimad Rajchandra, Tolstoy, Raskin, and Gopalakrishna Gokhale, who gave a mantra to take Ramnaam when they were afraid of childhood.

Gandhiji has expressly expressed his gratitude towards all these people.

Describing the discipline as a 'sacred and personal subject', Gandhiji wrote that he sat on the feet of Dadabhai Navroji, but Dada Bhai was far away from him.

'I could have a son, not a disciple'. Gandhiji wrote, "The disciple is more closely related to the son. Being a disciple is like having a new birth. It is a voluntary surrender. ' (July, 1921, increase in revival numeral 47, p.4)

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Political guru: Gokhale
Gandhiji also met Gopalakrishna Gokhale in addition to other leaders when Gandhi came to India from South Africa in 1896.

He gave Gokhale's impression of this in the words, 'I worshiped the mind of this gnanavidya Vidyavyavari with great visions and in my mind. But I could not establish them on my heart. ' (July, 1921, increase in Regeneration Digit 47, p.5)

After Gokhale went to South Africa, Gandhiji came closer to him.

In his own words, "He (Gokhale) surrendered my heart, and when I left, only a sound was raised in my mind: this is my Murshid (Jupiter)." (July, 1921, increase in Regeneration Digit 47, p.5)

Speaking on the occasion of Tolstoy's birth anniversary, he said, "Gokhale has called me a state procurator guru, he gave me complete satisfaction in the field. I did not tell him about the command or about his command." (Regeneration, September 16, 1928, p. .22)

Spiritual mentor: Shrimad Rajchandra
Before Gokhale got the price of Murshid, Gandhiji had been in the familiar introduction of Shrimad Rajchandra (Raichandbhai) before that.

He has written an entire chapter about Rayachandbhai in 'The Experiments in Truth'. (Reviewed version, p.113-116) 22 year old Gandhi returned to India by being a barrister, his friend Dr. Pranajivan met Mehta and his brother Ravi Shankar Zaveri.

Raychandbhai Ravi Shankar was born in the same way as he was born.

As he was introduced to him, such qualities as 'vast scripture, pure character, great zeal for self-expression' have had a great impact on Gandhiji.

Recognizing Raychandbhai as a purely Gnani of the two years of age, Gandhiji wrote that 'I have never seen him in a state of silence. I have tried to meet the principals of every religion, but the impression I gave to Rayachandbhai was not able to do any other. I knew that they would not let me go deliberately and would say in my own mind. '

'So I used to take refuge in my spiritual crowd.' (Truth Experiments, Reviewed Version, p.115)

Raychandbhai, who was confused between different religions, led a deep study of Hindu religion and also compromised the curiosity of young Gandhi.

Gandhiji's respect for Raychandbhai has been expressed at all.

But Gandhiji was not a progenitor, but a virtuous person. So their evaluation remained humble though firm.

In his first interview with Raychandbhai, by his experiment of experimentation (seeing hundreds of words or words together, then by the power of showing it in a single order), Gandhiji still did not become 'fascinated'. (Truth Experiments, Reviewed Version, p.115)

After returning from South Africa permanently, he wrote a preface for Shrimad Rajchandra's book.

According to Shantikumar Morarji's memoir, Gandhiji wrote in the preface that he does not believe Shrimad (Rajchandra) as a Tirthankar. For example, the head of Shrimad (Rajchandra) is always tormented. '

'Gandhiji's argument was that the head of a Tirthankara would not be hurt. Later I heard that the book was printed without the introduction of Gandhiji. (Gandhi's reminiscences and other narrations, Shantikumar, p.13)

The place of Jupiter is empty

In his autobiography, Gandhiji has written in a clear and uncompromising way of expressing a doubt that despite being so respected to Raychandbhai, I could not place him in my heart as my religious leader. '

"My search is still going on today." (Truth Experiments, Reviewed Version, p116) On the death of 33-year-old Raychandbhai, Gandhiji was given 'devotional' pride.

Gandhiji, speaking on behalf of his birth anniversary, said, "The influence of his life has come to me so far that I once felt that I should make him my guru."

"But if a guru wants to make it, then only a few can become? The guru must be natural."

"If there is a desire for penance and attainment of it, a capable guru will be able to reach any day."

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